Atlantic city poster from wild hearts can't be broken
Atlantic city poster from wild hearts can't be broken

atlantic city poster from wild hearts can atlantic city poster from wild hearts can atlantic city poster from wild hearts can

Sonora Carver loved horses, so much that she used to skip school to ride them and tried to get one at any means. deep pool of water and the act would be done up to five times a day. The girl would jump on the horse as it was trotting by and the duo would go off the end of the pier and splash heavily into a 12-ft. That plan would include a young, nice-looking, scantily clad girl who would dive off a 40-feet steel pier on horseback, high above the Atlantic City boardwalk. He saw how easily the horse dove into the water from a great height and a plan came to light. The brainstorm reportedly came to Carver when he was crossing a bridge on a horse and the span collapsed underneath the two. Carver was a sharpshooter who founded wild west shows with legend Buffalo Bill Cody and he had an idea for a unique act in his show. The ad was placed by one William "Doc" Carver. In 1923, 19-year-old Sonora Webster Carver answered an ad seeking an "Attractive young woman who can swim and dive likes horses desires to travel."

Atlantic city poster from wild hearts can't be broken